Other articles

  1. The Mathematics of shadows

    When I was working for a small wind turbine manufacturer I was asked to calculate the number of hours per year the houses in the neighborhood of our prototype wind farm would be exposed to shadow flicker from our wind turbine. Now, there are software that calculates this sort of ...

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  2. Discovery of the week

    The Arch Linux Logo

    I have long wanted to try out Arch Linux and yesterday I took the step and installed it on my main machine. My first impression is that I am super impressed. Why?  For five reasons

    1. It really was not hard to install and get everything to work. Sure some Linux ...
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  3. Hello world!

    This is my first post on a brand new blog. Maybe it can seem anachronistic to start blogging in 2012 but I think the media has a lot to offer. I have always been a tinkerer. I like investigating things. I like solving technichal problems my own way. I have ...

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